Template:Very long/doc

From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group


Add {{Very long|date=April 2024}} to the top of the article.

If a particular section of an article is getting long, even though it has already been split to its own article as per the summary style, then it can be tagged by adding {{Very long|section|date=April 2024}} to the top of the section, which renders then as:

Small parameter

{{Very long|small=left|date=April 2024}} generates the following small sized template:


{{Very long|section|small=left|date=April 2024}} renders:

Readable prose size

The readable prose size in kilobytes can be added manually to the template: {{Very long|rps=75}} generates the following template:

This template adds tagged articles to Category:Articles that may be too long, or one of its dated subcategories.

See also[edit]