DZ flat wagons converted to rail carrying bolster wagons
(Redirected from Flat Wagons Converted To Rail Carrying Bolster Wagons)
Two former South African Railways DZ Flat Wagons have been converted to rail carrying bolster wagons. The bolster assemblies are able to swivel to allow for track curvature. WHR/FR type couplers are fitted at the outer ends of the set, but SAR type couplers are retained at the inner ends and the wagons joined by a spacing bar, to allow sufficient length to carry rails. The spacing bar also carries the continuous brake pipe.
The wagons were rebuilt in 2018 on new welded underframes.
Wagon DZ1418[edit]

*Date: 17th June 2006 *Photo: Kim Winter

*Date: 17th June 2006 *Photo: Kim Winter