The Romanian Ballast Wagon
Ballast wagon no 4023 was built new (with some remanufactured components) for the WHR by S.C. Atelierele Centrale S.A. of Criscior, Romania. It was delivered to Dinas by lorry on 27th October 2006, arriving at 10.55 and touching down on WHR rails at 12.40. The vehicle is understood to be an adaptation of a standard gauge four-wheeled design for Austrian federal railways, and is able to discharge ballast along the centre of the track as well as at the sides, adding flexibility as well as extra capacity to what can be done using the South African ballast wagons already on the Railway. It includes two separate hoppers within its body, and all discharge operations are controlled mechanically by levers on the platform at the Caernarfon end.

Source of information and additional photgraphs can be found on Ben Fisher's Welsh Highland Railway Project web-site here